Twelfth Night Theatre show – Mildura VIC “Twelfth Night” is a romantic comedy play by William Shakespeare, brought to the Mildura region by Red Cliffs Players. The show centres on the twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated in a shipwreck. Viola...
The Australian Ballet Regional TOUR – Mildura VIC THE AUSTRALIAN BALLET Regional Tour: Ballet Gala The Australian Ballet’s Regional Tour returns, spreading the joy of dance across the nation with a stop off to the Murray river region of Mildura VIC. This...
Amy Shark – TOUR – Mildura VIC Fresh off her Cry Forever arena tour, adored pop singer-songwriter, Amy Shark has today announced she’ll be hitting the road for a mammoth 42 date regional tour of Australia across May, June, July and August this year...
Peter Pan Jnr – Mildura Theatre Company Mildura Theatre Company is set to fly you away to Neverland, in this adaptation of Disney’s beloved animated film ‘Peter Pan’ and J.M. Barrie’s enchanting play. Disney’s Peter Pan Jr. is a modern version of the...