The Songs Of Judy Garland – Swan Hill Bernadette Robinson, who perfectly portrayed Judy Garland in her one woman show, Songs for Nobodies brings her show to the Murray River region & exquisitely captures the essence of Judy Garland as she performs these...
The Rubens – Waste A Day Tour – Swan Hill After a career-defining 2021, which included the release of their fourth album 0202, an AMP & ARIA Award nomination, accreditations The Rubens have treated fans to their fresh new single, ‘Waste A Day’, an earworm...
Pierce Brothers 2021 Album Tour – Albury Pierce Brothers have just dropped their new album ‘into the great unknown’ and to celebrate have announced the NSW leg of their Australian Album tour and will be performing in Albury @ Beer Deluxe. During the...
Headstone Villains EP LAUNCH – Mildura At the start of the year Headstone Villains released their debut EP ‘Witchcraft, Blood, Blasphemy’ now the time has finally come to celebrate this release with a wild show! Along side Headstone Villains, heavy...
Matthew Fagan Presents – ESPAÑA EL VITO – THE SPIRIT OF SPAIN Ten-String guitarist Matthew Fagan aka ‘Lord of the Strings!’ celebrates España, the Spirit of Spain and the Adelaide launch of his vinyl album ‘El Vito’, infusing exhilarating flamenco into Spanish...