Twelfth Night Theatre show – Mildura VIC “Twelfth Night” is a romantic comedy play by William Shakespeare, brought to the Mildura region by Red Cliffs Players. The show centres on the twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated in a shipwreck. Viola...
The Australian Ballet Regional TOUR – Mildura VIC THE AUSTRALIAN BALLET Regional Tour: Ballet Gala The Australian Ballet’s Regional Tour returns, spreading the joy of dance across the nation with a stop off to the Murray river region of Mildura VIC. This...
The World of Musicals Concert TOUR – Albury NSW The World of Musicals Concert has graced stages across the globe and features a world-class ensemble of multi-talented performing artists who exquisitely recreate classic hits, fused with emotive ballads,...
BITING DOG THEATRE – THROWBACK We are excited to announce our Industry Co:Lab is finally making their HotHouse Theatre stage debut in a showcase of some of our region’s best emerging talent. BITING DOG THEATRE THROWBACK DATE: Friday 22nd July 2022 SHOW...
The Snow – Theatre show Wodonga secondary college The Snow is coming! Wodonga Senior Secondary College students work for months to find their way out of the most epic snowfall. You will laugh and you will cry as you are taken on this fantastical journey with...